Fill the world with
Your donation helps to keep to lights on and bellies full. It helps to continue the lifesaving efforts in Watertown and beyond!
Be our
Ready to be a part of something bigger? Humane Heroes is a monthly giving program with 100% of the funds going to the animals that need it the most. When you donate monthly, you give us a gift we can depend on.
Honor their
When you give a gift to the Watertown Humane Society in memory or as a tribute to a loved one or loved pet, you are keeping their memory alive.
Shop for our most needed supplies on amazon or local stores. Use our wishlist to find items for our shelter dogs & cats!
Designate Watertown Humane Society as your charity of choice at! We'll benefit from 0.5 percent back on all your purchases!
Sponsoring a dog or cat kennel each year is a wonderful way to give back to the shelter.
Generally, our cat sponsorships are $100, while sponsoring a dog kennel is $200. This sponsorship level lasts a year.
For more information, please message or call the shelter at 920-261-1270

Give to help animals heal...
Our Angel fund helps to pay medical costs for large or emergent issues such as emergency surgery, parvo treatment, hospitalization and more. Because of the Angel Fund, we never have to decide between a life or a cost.